How To Make This Shrimp Hard There are 8 steps to watch out for

How To Make This Shrimp Hard There are 8 steps to watch out for

For most men, facial hair is a symbol of masculinity. Caring for and maintaining a mustache and sideboards are also part of maintaining appearance.
Many Hollywood actors who choose to grow beards on their faces. like Actor Zac Efron is one of them.
Recently, this handsome actor uploaded a photo of himself on Instagram with facial hair that invited a lot of praise. Since uploaded, the photo is now favored by more than 3.5 million people. Because he looks more mature and handsome with hair on his face. Matty Conrad, a professional hair stylist said, facial hair is a symbol of strength, wisdom, and virility.
Like Zac Efron, the most important thing when you want to grow a beard is to highlight the jaw and make it look more square. A man's ability to grow facial hair depends on genetics.
However, there are simple steps so that the hair on a man's face can grow thick and beautiful.

How To Make This Shrimp Hard There are 8 steps to watch out for
1. Stop shaving Conrad says if you want to grow a beard, at least don't shave your face for two months. It does require patience and an uncomfortable sensation when the hair on the face first grows, "Even people whose beards look untidy when they are short can grow thicker when given the opportunity to grow longer," said Conrad.

2. Understand facial lines When new beard grows, it can sometimes make your face look more rounded. Many men give up because they think their faces look fat. "The beard shape really empties into three facial lines," said Conrad. The facial line is divided into three, namely the upper line which is located along the cheek from the sideburn to the mouth, then the baseline which is located in the neck from the angle of the jaw around Adam's apple, and the lip line. One of the easiest ways to get beautiful hair on your face is to make sure the facial lines are clean so there is not much hair growing around the neck. "Use a shaver to remove the hair that is visible below the jawline when looking straight in the mirror. This is the best way to keep your jaw clean, "advised Conrad.

3. Control itching Another reason many men can't grow facial hair is discomfort. Conrad said facial hair grows faster and is more curly than the hair on the head. To prevent itching, we can use a special oil containing conditioner so that the hair is smoother, and moisturizes the surrounding skin. Conrad recommends products that contain argan oil, grape seed oil, and jojoba oil. The oil has smaller molecules and penetrates the hair and skin faster, and will not leave a shiny residue. Also, avoid products that contain synthetic fragrances or cream-based products that can clog pores.

4. Take care for better growth To stimulate growth and maintain thickness, Conrad suggested that men do not wear a beard comb that puts too much pressure on their hair. "Use a flat-bristled brush with natural feathers such as a beard brush or barber brush. This will stimulate blood flow around the follicle, "he said. The smooth flow of blood around the follicles will make hair healthier, more radiant, and thicker. Brush also helps peel the skin underneath without using coarse scrubs that can dry the skin.

How To Make This Shrimp Hard There are 8 steps to watch out for
5. Take control of the hair shape When the hair on the face starts to slightly elongate, start using hair stylist products such as beard balms. "Balm like a mild pomade functions to trim your beard and helps shape it as you wish," said Conrad. More rigid hair balm products such as waxes are more able to control facial hair. But, the product is better used on the part of the mustache that is more difficult than the beard.

6. Ask for professional help After the hair on your face starts to elongate, go to the barber shop to form a shag. "We recommend that you seek professional help about what suits your face shape and bone structure, especially at the first time," he said. The barber must make a taper by narrowing the cheeks and leaving the hair around the mouth and on the chin for longer. They will also be able to connect beards with sideburns to make them look natural.

7. Shaving just outside the facial lines A good facial haircut can last about three months with little home care. After that, we can again shave it with the help of a hair trimmer to create a clean and nice face line. According to him, the task of barber is not to cut hair on the face. So, let the expert person tidy up the interior and we can do it ourselves for the outside. To deal with messy hair and wild hairbrush and beard shape according to the desired model. To cut unwanted hair, use scissors. However, do not overdo it when cutting it.

8. Don't despair All these steps do need time and patience. So, don't despair when doing it. "The longer the age of hair on our face, the less care is needed," said Conrad. The first few months are when the beard is in the highest maintenance phase. After a while, we only need to maintain the shape and do daily maintenance.

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